Coaching at ‘Bike Club’
So why the need for coaching, or as our younger riders like to call it, ‘Bike Club‘?
Well, Newport Shropshire Cycling Club, like many sports clubs around the country, understand the importance of bringing and then nurturing new blood into the sport of cycling, so with the help of British Cycling, Newport CC have a team of qualified British Cycling Level 2 coaches..
So, if you would like to gain more confidence in riding a bicycle safely, or you think a child may benefit in being taught basic-intermediate cycling skills and techniques, which with practice become a skills set, then do not hesitate to come see what our coaches do, or make contact with us by email:
Note 1: Due to the huge popularity of Newport CC’s coaching sessions, participants should already be able to ride a bicycle (without stabilisers).
Note 2: If you and your child are NEW to our ‘Bike Club‘ coaching sessions, then you will be required to complete a ‘Rider Consent Form‘ for each rider, so please PRINT and complete the form, then bring it with you…
Where & When
Coaching sessions are conducted in a traffic-free environment at Burton Borough School every Saturday morning, with the following start times…
Group 1 Foundation
Start: 9:15 (Sign on @ 9:00)
Duration: 45 minutes
Group 2 Development
Start: 9:15 (Sign on @ 9:00)
Duration: 45 minutes
Group 3 | Advanced
Start 10:15 (Sign on @ 10:00)
Duration: 45 minutes
Group Ability Criteria
Group 1 – Foundation
Participants already being able to ride a bicycle (without stabilisers).
Group 2 – Development
Children must be able to do the following:
• Negotiate a slalom
• Ride in a straight line
• Controlled stop on a line using both brakes
• Shoulder check
• High 5
• ‘Ready to Start’ and successful delivery
• Understand and carry out instructions
Group 3 – Advanced
Children must be able to do the following:
• Selection of correct gear
• Ability to ride a corner
• Ability to ride in pairs/group
• Speed test
• Bottle grab and return
• Understand and carry through instructions
You will find us here…
Behind the Music Block,
Burton Borough School,
Audley Avenue,
TF10 7DS
You will need to bring…
A well maintained bicycle *
A Helmet
Appropriate clothing (e.g. gloves, jacket)
* Bicycle maintenance is the responsibility of the parent/carer/child. Newport Cycling Club coaches and assistants are happy to give advice and direction.
Months of operation: From March through to the early October.
Session Fees & Membership
As a club member, your child will be given a reduction in session fees.
Club Member session fees = £2 per session
Non-club member session fees = £3 per session
Membership options can be found here
You can keep right up to date with everything on Facebook here
Our coaching sessions are tailored towards progressing kids into racing – certainly teaching them techniques they can hone into a skills set which can be taken into a competitive environment.
For more information or if you need to contact our Club Welfare Officers, please call or email us at…
Bike Club Rider Consent Form (pdf)
DownloadNewport (Shropshire) Cycling Club